- Getting Started
- Core Tutorial
- React Monorepo Tutorial
- React Standalone Tutorial
- Angular Monorepo Tutorial
- Angular Standalone Tutorial
- Node Server Tutorial
- Core Features
- Plugin Features
- Concepts
- More Concept Guides »
- More Concepts
- Customizing Inputs
- Incremental Builds
- Illustrated Distributed Task Execution
- Nx and Turborepo
- Monorepos
- Dependency Management
- Code Sharing
- Using Nx at Enterprises
- Nx Daemon
- Nx and the Angular CLI
- Folder Structure
- Nx Devkit and Angular Devkit
- Micro Frontend Architecture
- Applications and Libraries
- Creating Libraries
- Library Types
- Grouping Libraries
- Buildable and Publishable Libraries
- How the Project Graph is Built
- Nx and the Nx Wrapper
- Managing your Global Nx Installation
- All Recipes »
- Reference
- Deprecated
- See Also
- Getting Started
- Nx Console
- CI
- Adopting Nx
- Adopting Nx From Angular CLI
- Executors
- Environment Variables
- Module Federation and Micro Frontends
- Storybook
- Deployment
- Database
- Enforce Module Boundaries
- Example Repos
- Other
- Run Root-Level NPM Scripts with Nx
- Disable Graph Links Created from Analyzing Source Files
- Workspace Watching
- Advanced Update Process
- JavaScript and TypeScript
- React Native with Nx
- Remix with Nx
- Adding Images, Fonts, and Files
- Setup incremental builds for Angular applications
- Profiling Build Performance
- Using ESLint in Nx Workspaces
- Configuring Browser Support
- Using Tailwind CSS in React
- React 18 Migration
- Using Tailwind CSS with Angular projects
- Using NgRx
- Using Data Persistence operators
- Find the Last Successful Commit in Azure Pipelines
- Troubleshoot Cache Misses
- Export Project Graph
- Resolve Circular Dependencies
- Include All package.json Files as Projects
- Include Assets in Build
- Identify Dependencies Between Folders
- Rescope Packages from @nrwl to @nx
- Standalone NgRx APIs
- angular
- documents
- executors
- generators
- add-linting
- application
- component
- component-cypress-spec
- component-story
- component-test
- convert-tslint-to-eslint
- directive
- init
- library
- library-secondary-entry-point
- remote
- move
- convert-to-with-mf
- host
- ng-add
- ngrx
- ngrx-feature-store
- ngrx-root-store
- pipe
- scam-to-standalone
- scam
- scam-directive
- scam-pipe
- setup-mf
- setup-ssr
- setup-tailwind
- stories
- storybook-configuration
- cypress-component-configuration
- web-worker
- create-nx-plugin
- create-nx-workspace
- cypress
- detox
- devkit
- esbuild
- eslint-plugin
- expo
- express
- jest
- js
- linter
- nest
- next
- node
- nx
- plugin
- react
- react-native
- rollup
- storybook
- documents
- Nx Storybook Plugin Overview
- Set up Storybook for React Projects
- Set up Storybook for Angular Projects
- Storybook best practices for making the most out of Nx
- Storybook 7 overview
- Configuring Storybook on Nx
- How to configure Webpack and Vite for Storybook
- Setting up Storybook Composition with Nx
- Angular: Set up Compodoc for Storybook on Nx
- Angular: Configuring styles and preprocessor options
- executors
- generators
- documents
- tao
- vite
- web
- webpack
- workspace
- angular